Welcome to the City of Gold Coast's flora and fauna website
Here, you'll find comprehensive information about the plants and animals that make our city one of the most biodiverse in Australia.

Mistletoebird © Todd Burrows
- Find out what plants or animals are located in your area.
- Identify a specific plant or animal species.
- Explore the range of wildlife on the Gold Coast.
- Search close to 1000 reports and studies related to Gold Coast flora and fauna.
The Gold Coast is home to more than 1730 recorded species of native vascular plants – 109 of which are listed as endangered, vulnerable or near threatened under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. The City of Gold Coast has recorded more than 600 species of native animals – 72 of which are listed as endangered, vulnerable or near threatened under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.
Developed by City of Gold Coast, this website assists residents and landowners, developers, conservation groups, students and researchers to identify and locate plants and animals found within the Gold Coast. This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to conserve the city's biodiversity and natural assets, and supports Our Natural City Strategy under the Council Plan's 'Naturally Unique' theme.